The in-person and online workshops, and PAAR retreats both aim to help each participant develop a deeper understanding and passion for self-care, to stay younger for longer. Through informative seminars, workshops, assessments and sessions with our experts you will gain knowledge, tools and receive personalised advice to make informed choices about your vitality and longevity.
Get in touch for more information or join our mailing list to find out about upcoming dates.

YPO Forum Retreat
21-22 October 2023, United Kingdom
The YPO Forum Retreat was an exclusive event crafted specifically for YPO Forum members. Participants underwent wellbeing assessments, enabling experts to devise personalized PAAR plans with actionable recommendations, serving as roadmaps to achieve their goals. The retreat included workshops and one-on-one consultations with experts, fostering personal and professional growth within a supportive atmosphere.

Family Constellation Retreat
13 October 2023, Greece
A bespoke journey where 12 participants converged in Greece for a tailor-made detox retreat. Prior to the event, each individual underwent a personalized detox program test. Throughout the retreat, detoxification took center stage, fostering discussions and embracing a holistic approach to wellbeing.

YSP Summit 2023
18 April 2023, London
The discussion at YSP Summit will center around understanding the body's complex metabolism and the significance of holistic care for maintaining homeostasis. Additionally, it will delve into embracing a science-driven approach to longevity, focusing on vitality enhancement and extending lifespan. Participants will have the opportunity to discover strategies for slowing, halting, or even reversing the aging process, along with exploring the crucial role of the mind in well-being and longevity, with insights from recent research and actionable takeaways.

Webinar with Caroline Clarke:
Posture, movement and longevity
Facebook Live event | 10th June 2022 ​
Ageing is a complex physiological process influenced by many factors, some of which are modifiable. In addition to a healthy diet and mental wellbeing, regular exercise can contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases and the management of ageing process. We are talking to Caroline Clarke, Egoscue certified postural alignment specialist about the connection between posture, movement and longevity and how you can achieve your highest potential through a personalised exercise programme.

Webinar with Charlène Bourliot:
Decluttering your mindfor vitality & longevity
Facebook Live event | Thursday, 10th June | 12:00​
Attention has become probably one of our most valuable currency.
We are talking to Charlène Bourliot, PAAR’s ambassador and mind & emotional health expert about the importance of cleansing from an emotional and mental health perspective.

Webinar with Gareth Edwards:
Plant based view on immunity
Online event | Thursday, 11th March | 12:30​
Immunity has been the most popular topic since last year. As a result, many of us have searched the internet for “immune-boosting” foods, vitamin and mineral supplements. We are talking to Gareth Edwards, PAAR nutritional expert about the myths around immune “boosting”, how to stay healthy and the effect of plant based diets on immunity.

Mental Health Webinar
Online event | Monday, 8 February 2021 | 12:30
We have all been through unexpected and stressful moments since last year. Considering the continued lockdown in many countries around the world, it feels like this is a good time to pause and reflect on our mental health. We will be talking with Darya Haitoglu, an award-winning psychologist and systemic relationship coach, about the importance of our mental health, how stress, exercise and nutrition can affect it, and ways to cope with pandemic.

Immunity Webinar
Online event | 14 July 2020
We have all been through unexpected and stressful moments since last year. Considering the continued lockdown in many countries around the world, it feels like this is a good time to pause and reflect on our mental health. We will be talking with Darya Haitoglu, an award-winning psychologist and systemic relationship coach, about the importance of our mental health, how stress, exercise and nutrition can affect it, and ways to cope with pandemic.

Winter Retreat
25/26 January 2020​ | Cliveden House Hotel, Maidenhead, UK
Longevity day to help each participant develop a deeper understanding and passion for self-care to stay younger for longer. Wellness is an active process of making choices towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. Throughout this day, knowledge, tools and personalised advice is given to support participants in making these choices.
Seminars | Longevity Assessments | Meditation & Yoga
Accommodation | Meals | Spa

Longevity Forum
15-17 January 2020 | Istanbul
3-hour longevity forum to help each participant develop a deeper understanding of wellbeing and learn about how to stay younger for longer. Following the seminars there is an opportunity to talk to our experts, complete your own longevity assessments and receive personalised advice to make informed choices about your vitality and longevity.
Seminars | Longevity Assessments | Dinner

Corporate Longevity Day
4 October 2019 | London
2-hour educational seminar with top PAAR experts. Participants will develop a multi-dimensional view on longevity, learn about bio-individuality, healthy nutrition and practical elements of mindfulness. The seminar is followed by personalized assessments, and each participant will have the opportunity to talk to our experts and ask questions.
Seminar | Immunity, Vitality and Longevity Assessments